Singular: THERE IS = há
Plural: THERE ARE = há

Singular: THERE WAS = havia, houve
Plural: THERE WERE = havia, houve

O verbo haver, em português, quando impessoal, é usado apenas na terceira pessoa do singular. Em inglês, o verbo equivalente (THERE TO BE) tem duas formas (singular e plural) e concorda com o objeto direto que o seguir.
There is a calendar on the wall.
There is = singular
a calendar (objeto direto) = singular
(Há um calendário na parede.)

There are seven days in a week.
There are = plural
seven days (objeto direto) = plural
(Há sete dias em uma semana.)

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This book is a fully updated version of the classic grammar title. This third edition has 10 completely new units, including 9 new units on phrasal verbs to more throughly cover this important area for intermediate students. Has even more Additional Exercises, to offer more contrastive practice; is in full colour and has a slightly larger format to look clearer and more inviting for students. The with answers version of the book is packaged with the CD-ROM. This CD-ROM has a diagnostic test to help students identify areas to practise; extra exercises for all the units in the book; allows users to make their own tests from a bank of contrastive exercises; has recordings of all the main exercises so users can practise their pronunciation; includes a link to Cambridge Dictionaries Online so students can look up any words they need.

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